Auction Listing Requirements

Auction Calendar offers you the chance to list and advertise auctions of any nature that you are hosting to hundreds of Auction Calendar users across Southern Africa.

To list an auction on Auction Calendar as an Auctioneer you'll need to follow these easy guidelines.

  1. Creating a Listing
    1. General - under this section, you'll be asked to list the following –
      1. The title of your auction. This should be descriptive but catchy enough that Buyers are interested in joining.
      2. Registration Link. If your auction requires registration, you'll need to include a link for Buyers to sign-up and register for your auction.
      3. Type. Using the options provided you must select if your auction will be online or onsite or both.
      4. Event Link. If your auction is online, you'll need to provide a link to the event for Buyers to click and join. You may use any online platform you prefer to host your auction.
      5. Category and Sub-category. Using the dropdown list provided you must select the category and sub-categories (you can select multiple) your auction falls into.
        1. If your auction is one for property, you will be asked to include the property's erf number and its area unit.
      6. Start and End. Using the calendar pop-up, you must select the start and end date and time of your auction.
    2. Images. You are asked to upload an image to be the covering image (featured image) of your auction listing on the platform. This is required.
    3. Gallery. Once you've selected a covering image you may upload various other images to create a gallery that Buyers can browse when looking through your auction listing. You have the option to upload 10 (ten) images to your gallery. Additional photos can be loaded for an additional fee. This is optional.
    4. Address. If your auction is going to be in-person or on-site you will be asked to provide an address for the auction. Auction Calendar allows you to list auctions across Southern Africa including South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.
    5. Features. You are given the option to give more information about your auction by adding descriptions in the features section. You can add multiple features sections and a "bullet"-like breakdown of your information will be shown on your upcoming auction listing.
    6. Files. This is the last part of the auction listing. You are asked to load a Bidders Pack and a PDF Advert for your auction. You may upload a Bidders Pack that is up to 5mb (five megabytes) in size. Additional file storage can be purchased at an additional fee. Uploading a Bidder's pack or PDF advert is not a requirement, but is highly recommended and can be uploaded at a later stage if it is not available at the time of listing.
    7. Featured. For an additional fee, you have the option of positioning your auction as a featured auction. Featured auctions are shown on the home page, differentiated with a star, given priority over other listings and given further exposure on our social media pages and email list.
  2. Disclaimers
    1. All Auctioneers must be over the age of 18 with the legal capacity to act in their own name.
    2. To be an Auctioneer you must have all of the applicable and required qualifications, trading/business rights, permits, registrations, licenses and/or regulator authorizations to host an auction in all the countries that you have listed auctions within.
    3. When you agree to our Terms of Use ("Terms") you warrant that you will not act in any manner that violates our Terms. When doing so you warrant, in addition to those warranties in our Terms, that you will not use Auction Calendar to advertise auctions for illegal goods or property or to commit or aid in the committal of any known crime (including but not limited to human or animal trafficking).
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Registering as
Select your plan, register your account, and pay your subscription only when you're ready to start listing your auctions once your trial has come to an end.
Your monthly subscription includes 1- basic listings @ R (Ex Vat) per month. Additional listings can be purchased if required.

Minimum Requirements: 8 characters; 1 uppercase letter; 1 lowercase letter; 1 digit; 1 symbol.

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Minimum Requirements: 8 characters; 1 uppercase letter; 1 lowercase letter; 1 digit; 1 symbol.

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